Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 249 Pushed To The Wall

Deep in the Eastern Continent, close to the Great Sea…


As soon as the space shifted, 3 gigantic teleportation portals opened.

With power emanating from his very being, the Light Summoner remained in the skies on top the White Mutated Dove as he kept the teleportation portal long enough for all the survivors of the royal palace to come to the other side.

As soon as they came to this side, he deactivated the teleportation portal.

Without a word, this powerful Summoner looked down at the royal family. At this moment, he was going through a sensitive phase of self-doubt.

Through the signs, he knew that Diana was already dead. This induced even more guilt in him due to his decision to abandon his duties.

In the skies, this powerhouse fought against his own morality and conscience.

As for down below, something else entirely went on.

After escaping the disaster, most of the survivors of the royal family were relieved as most of them cried while the braver ones observed their surroundings.

Among the many survivors was an energetic young man with blonde hair, this was Charles, King Tom\'s immediate younger brother.

Unlike the late King, Charles was even younger and was still in his thirties.

This young man\'s ambitions had overgrown in recent times after his elder brother became ill, now, his dreams seemed to have been fulfilled in a different manner that he expected.

After the teleportation and barely surviving the onslaught, he temporarily forgot his ambitions though as he shivered at the thought of how close he was to death, he secretly expressed his gratitude to the Light Summoner.

Amid his inner thoughts, one of his supporters came towards him before whispering into his ear. Instantly, this Prince\'s eyes shone.

Prince Charles stood up the next moment, he eyed the royal survivors.

"This is a time of mourning for all of Planet Darvis…"

"My brother is dead, the King is dead". He tried to express sadness in his voice but his true emotions inevitably leaked out and betrayed his true feelings.

"Devious terrorists were responsible for assassinating my brother…"

"As the one next in line to the throne, it is my responsibility to avenge my brother. To do this, you and I know one thing, the throne cannot be empty".

"We need a new King to stabilize the chaos".

Prince Charles\' supporter took over. "In this time of chaos, Prince Charles is the best candidate to save us from the devious claws of the terrorists".

"Following our laws, in a time of crisis, to stabilize the planet, the elaborate inauguration process can be forfeited so that a new King can be elected".

"We should make Prince Charles our new King!"

This declaration brought mixed feelings from the survivors.

While they bickered among themselves, Prince Charles\' supporter looked up at the Light Summoner for support. As a King Protector who had access to the royal archives and laws, Magna also knew of the rules.

Feeling their stares, Magna only felt extreme disgust fill his being.

The reaction of the royals after everything that happened today instantly dispelled his self-doubt and guilt, Magna arrived at a conclusion. The royal family and everybody associated with it was scum!

Diana was wrong to have given her life for the throne.

His resentment for the royal family increased by the second.

While thousands died every second, after surviving, the first thing that the successor thought of was seizing power instead of planning to save lives.

Even when his beasts died, he did not receive a single word of comfort, all the Prince was concerned about was seizing power for himself.

Magna glared at them as ripples spread through his eyes.

He twisted his lips. "F*ck the King!"

"F*ck the Royal family!"


This Summoner opened another teleportation portal and decisively abandoned them, the survivors of the royal family were left stunned and lost.


From the skies above the ruin of the Dragon Tower, an extremely beautiful woman appeared. This mature woman had such a big bust that her tight clothing seemed to be begging for freedom, this was her most prominent trait.

She had red hair, a tall physique, and a beautiful face to boost.

Eleanor\'s cold eyes surveyed the ruin. "Craxes is free…"

As she muttered to herself, she felt a gaze look at her from the Glory Dome. She inclined her head to look at the Master Hunter, she didn\'t bother greeting, she simply nodded before tearing the fabric of space again.


After teleporting again, Eleanor arrived at the ruins of the royal palace.

After the incredible battle that leveled the sacred Darvis royal palace to the ground, most of the attackers already left, only 1 was left behind.

The flames surrounding Daemon\'s skull burned fiercer as this Necromancer uttered a long incantation that aroused the power of the underworld.

The next moment, in the middle of the ruin, Daemon raised his hands.

As soon as this Necromancer raised his hands, a reaction occurred.

The Underworld briefly seemed to intercept with reality as a powerful undead energy invaded this ruin. This power invaded the bodies of all the casualties of this battle, the next moment, all of their eyes snapped open.

While staggering, the dead corpses rose back to life.

They rose back to life as Zombies!

"All men shall die!" Daemon cackled in maniacal laughter.

He was the real benefactor of this battlefield, the massive amount of death worked in his favor. Now, he got to replenish and expand his massive undead army.

Under his control, 3 gigantic teleportation portals opened the next moment as his undead army started marching back to his kingdom. While they did, he felt the foreign presence as he instantly looked up to see who it was.

Seeing the familiar figure, this skeleton\'s skull seemed to form a smirk.

Eleanor calmly observed, then she tore the fabric of space again.


Eleanor finally arrived…

With cold eyes, this beautiful warrior arrived at the ruin of the Might Dojo.

At this moment, under the leadership of their Orc Warlord who already came back, the Orcs were rampaging through the Shelter with impunity.

Eleanor ignored them and focused on the ruin before her, her eyes remained steady but emotions were already flowing through them.

Flashbacks emerged in her head, the first time she came to the Might Dojo, the first time that she met him.

His masculinity and power instantly captured her heart, it was love at first sight. Unfortunately, Jon Stones was a man who was not too enthusiastic about women, despite a long time having passed, the man of her heart never responded.

Eleanor looked at where she could feel the residual traces of his masculine aura, the aggressive Pugilist energy was something that she could never forget.

"Did you really…, die?" As she asked herself, her eyelids shook.

For the first time in a long time, this female warrior\'s eyes turned watery.

She just kept on staring at that point where she felt the residual traces of Jon Stones\' aura, without a doubt, this was where this legend gave up the ghost.

Without knowing, Eleanor\'s fingers were already digging so deep into her almost snow-white palms that blood started flowing from her smooth palms.

From sadness, this female warrior\'s eyes started blazing like the sun.

They blazed with a mixture of anger and aggression.

She tore the fabric of space again.


This time, Eleanor arrived at the headquarters of the Core Protection Alliance. She bypassed all the defenses and directly went to the core chambers of this powerful organization, there, the 2 Core Protectors sat in introspection.

As soon as she arrived, both Core Protectors raised their heads to look at her.

Eleanor\'s blazing eyes that were filled with fury glared at Core Protector Shanks, she said nothing, but her fiery eyes spoke a thousand words on their own.

Core Protector Shanks sighed. "I want peace…"

"WE HAVE BEEN PUSHED TO THE WALL!" Eleanor exploded.

The 2 Core Protectors calmly weathered the wave of her fury.

As the Core Protectors looked at her, commotion suddenly came from outside. They turned to look.

"Let me in!"

"I was sent by the King himself! Do you dare bar the King entry?!"

After a few tussles and scuffles, this man barged his way into the core of the Core Protector Alliance where the Core Protectors lived.

This man exhibited no fear before these exalted figures, either he was a fool seeking death or he was simply an overconfident fool.

He glared at them. "I am Commander Aaron".

"Commander of the royal guards". Pride echoed from this warrior\'s tone as he introduced himself to some of the strongest warriors in Planet Darvis.

"I bring the orders of the King".

"These are the King\'s orders". He adjusted his stance. "All Grade C Superhumans in the planet have been ordered to mobilize and capture Jon Stones".

"He has committed treason against his King!"


Silence reigned in this chambers.

Core Protector Shanks kept quiet as he calmly looked at this warrior, his eyes flickered as a lot of things went through his mind. The next moment, he inclined his head to look at the warrior lady that stood before him.

"You are right…" He sighed. "We have been pushed to the wall".

Core Protector Shanks stood up, the originally suppressed energy of this legend already turned turbulent as his eyes slowly started glowing a white color.

He looked down at the Commander.

"Now this is my order to you, help me tell your King in the afterworld".

His eyes gleamed. "F*ck you!"

Core Protector Shanks flicked his right hand, a mighty power erupted with it.


Blood and mutilated body parts splattered everywhere.

Commander Aaron did not survive, he was completely obliterated.


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