Shroud Arcanum

Chapter 46 - 45 - Hell (2)

Liam leaned in close to Zalya, whispering. "How do we plan to get in? Rely on stealth?"

Zalya paused, absorbing the grim sights and sounds. The weight of their mission pressed heavily on her mind. "We should resort to it only if necessary,".

Her gaze then shifted to Victor, "For now, Let\'s make use of our... unexpected ally." She gave Victor a pointed look.

Victor\'s eyes widened. "Wait, you want me to do what?!".

Zalya calmly explained, "I\'ve been observing their patrol pattern. You\'ll approach the guard when I signal you. Just distract him for a few moments – that\'s all we need. We\'ll handle the rest."

Victor swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his situation. Still, he has no choice on the matter. Time seemed to stretch on as the group waited. Finally, Zalya gave the signal. Victor took a deep breath and started to run towards the guard, his panic apparent.

The guard\'s initial reaction was to raise his weapon, but as he recognized the oncoming figure, his stance faltered. "Ascendant Victor? How?" he thought, confused. He reached for his communicator, preparing to call for backup or possibly verify Victor\'s status.

Suddenly, a hand clamped over the guard\'s mouth from behind, muffling any sound he might make. Before he could register the threat, a sharp blade pierced him diagonally from the back, tearing through flesh and bone to emerge from his throat. Warm blood spurted out, staining Victor\'s shoes and splattering the ground.

The searing pain was almost immediate, the guard eyes widening in shock and terror. But before he could process the pain, the blade shifted, slicing upwards through his head, splitting it apart. The finality of the action was gruesome and swift; life drained from the guard\'s eyes as he collapsed to the ground.

Victor\'s face was a palette of shock and disbelief.. As Irys swiftly moved the soldier bodies beneath the ground. Victor finally found his voice, "A bit of warning next time?"

Liam shot Victor a questioning glance, as if silently asking, \'You still expect warnings, given your situation?\' He than began to examine the communicator in his hands.

Victor exhaled deeply, "Weren\'t we supposed to take his uniform?"

Liam responded curtly, "Just do as you\'re told."

Upon returning to the group, Liam handed over the communicator to Zalya, and they all huddled close, tuning into the enemy\'s frequency. As the radio crackled to life, they hoped to learn more information.

Bzzz….. bzz…..

"Delta, have you found anything yet?"

"Nothing. We\'ve checked every corner of the inner section. This \'Thunder\' seems elusive."

"Same here on the outer perimeter. Command emphasized its importance, but they\'ve given us next to nothing to go on."

"Do we even know what \'Thunder\' refers to?"

"Just report when you found something weird, or intruder"

"Hmm, well, we better find it, or heads will roll. Keep a sharp lookout on your end."

"Just report when you found something weird, or intruder"

"Hmm, well, we better find it, or heads will roll. Keep a sharp lookout on your end."

"Will do. Stay alert."

Bzzz….. bzz…..

"Echo team, come in."

"This is Echo, go ahead."

"How is pig and cow?, still no update on thunder location."

"No we have butchered them for a while, they still maintain silent"

"Understood. We\'ll keep our eyes peeled. Echo team out"

Upon intercepting the conversation, a heavy silence fell over the group, the weight of the situation pressing down on them.

Zalya\'s gaze darkened, "They\'re here for Duskdale specifically. These code names, \'pig\' and \'cow\', could they be referring to Aeric or Lioar?" Her voice was thick with concern.

Liam\'s fingers drummed on the communicator, deep in thought. "Based on what they\'ve said, what they\'re up to is not good. We need to prioritize this."

Irys nodded, agreeing, "Whatever is happening here, we need to intervene. Fast."

Zalya, her analytical mind working rapidly, responded, "It\'s strange though. If they were referring to the three, why only mention two? At least one of them might have escaped. But for now, let\'s follow their lead. Judging by the code they\'ve been using, the inner section should be Elder Marea\'s residence." Pausing, she added, "For now, we need to blend in. Let\'s secure some of those uniforms."

The group began targeting isolated soldiers patrolling the periphery. Moving with stealth and precision, they swiftly incapacitated their targets one by one. Once subdued, they proceeded to strip them of their uniforms and kill them. Irys will then use her skill to manipulate the earth beneath to entomb the soldier\'s body, ensuring there is no trace left.

The uniform, although slightly ill-fitting, would suffice for their disguise. After ensuring each member was dressed appropriately, the group made their way towards their objective, now camouflaged as one with the enemy.

As the group ventured further into the heart of the village, the devastation around them intensified. What were once Structures seamlessly integrated into nature, homes nestled within giant tree trunks now lay crumbled, a testament to a past that was brutally disrupted.

The air, thick with the metallic scent of blood, also bore the weight of palpable resentment and hostility.  The once-vibrant pathways, adorned with cobblestones and framed by luminescent mushrooms, were now eerily quiet.

The intricate carvings on the tree trunks, depicting tales of yore, were defaced and scorched. Water features, previously bubbling with crystal clear water, had been tainted red with blood.

Zalya, taking in the scene, remarked with a bitter tone, "A village once radiant with life, harmony, and deep ties to nature now lies destroyed. All for what?"

Overhead, the protective canopy of interwoven branches, which once filtered golden sunlight onto the village streets, had gaping holes that allowed the harsh sun to beat down mercilessly.

Weirdly, while corpses were visible here and there, not a single living villager could be seen.

Instead, the village was swarming with soldiers who appeared to be fervently searching for something — or someone — referred to as "thunder." They were not just on a mission; they also seemed to be looting any valuables they could find.

Liam couldn\'t resist commenting sarcastically, "Your soldiers\' discipline is truly commendable."

Victor, looking genuinely disturbed, shot back, "Our forces are known for their strict discipline. It\'s just a few bad apples that do such things."

Liam, with a stealthy gesture, indicated a larger group of soldiers ransacking a home. "More than just a few bad apples, don\'t you think?" he remarked.

Caught off-guard and unable to offer a rebuttal, all Victor could muster was a murmured, "This is... weird."


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