Kidnapped Dragons (KR Web Novel)

Chapter 315: Episode 95: Lifetime Luck Wasted On Gacha (2)

One of them was Yeorum who couldn’t be satisfied by just one gacha.


And the other was Gyeoul who checked on the internet that an onion core with one unsealed layer jumped up in price by four times. It meant that Yeorum had made up most of the loss she had suffered with just one fortunate pull.

Meanwhile, Yu Jitae turned towards Bom. With a blank gaze she was looking at the core and it seemed to be a continuation of her anxiety from before.

“What’s wrong,” he asked.


“You don’t look very good.”

“Ahh… it’s nothing. I wasn’t expecting it to work so I was just a little surprised by it.”

Bom soon returned to her nonchalant expression but after all the time they had spent together, Yu Jitae couldn’t help but think that her current apathetic expression was a very forced one.

“Here, Yeorum. Take it back.”


“Thank goodness it worked. I’m really happy for you.”

“No no no.”


“It’s only the beginning. Let’s do it one more time.”

“I don’t want to.”


“Because it’s obviously going to break.”

Yeorum, who was still on top of Bom, suddenly grinned and gave a very warm smile.


With a coquettish voice, she whispered as Gyeoul freaked out from the side.

“Just once… Nnnn?”


Bom was resolute.

“Ahh whyy~ Just once. Unni. Just one more time for this cute sister Yeorumm!”

“What’s wrong with you…”

Bom shook her head as if she was being asked to catch a bug with her bare hands.

“I’m not doing it.”

“It’s okay even if it breaks, so just one more time. Okayy? This is gonna work for sure. I can feel it!”

“No. Go away.”

She tried to push her away but was no match to Yeorum in terms of physical strength. “Move…!” she shouted but Yeorum resisted while crying, “Ahhhnngg!”. The two of them pushed and pulled each other but Bom was soon pushed down onto the sofa with both of her arms suppressed.

This time, she used telekinesis to move her away but it was also futile as Yeorum endured it like a big rock. She had become a lot stronger than before.

“Uhh… Yu Yeorum. Go away right now!”

“Just one more time, unni. Nn? Just once! The output goes up by 44% you know!”

“I don’t want to shoulder the burden when it fails okay? The problem isn’t me taking responsibility or not. I would just be breaking something that works completely fine.”

“Uuuiiingg I dun no I dun no~. Pleasee do the gacha for meee~!”

“Ugh, so annoying.”

While Gyeoul was retching at the back, Bom tried to endure it as much as possible before sending a gaze towards Yu Jitae asking for help, but Yeorum covered her eyes in response.

Bom raised her knees up in surprise and accidentally kicked Yeorum in her crotch. “Uhhkk!! Aigo~ Yeorum’s little V is getting smashed…!” Even though it didn’t hurt in the slightest, she pretended like it hurt and whinged, “Cute Yeorum can’t have any children now…!” in an attempt to make Bom gacha out of guilt.

They’re sure having a fun time, thought Yu Jitae. On the other hand, it also made him wonder why Bom was so reluctant to do it.

“Uuunng. Do it for Little Yeorum. Pretty pleaaasee!”


Bom was on the selfish side and had a clear distinction between her own and others’ belongings. That wasn’t necessarily bad or anything but it was thus strange that she would be so reluctant to gamble on someone else’s belongings because she had the tendency of only taking care of her own stuff.

“Oi, oi. Put that thing down.”

Meanwhile Yu Jitae had to stop Gyeoul from coming up with a golf club. Where did she get that from?

“Right. I shouldn’t be the only one doing this. Oi, Yu Gyeoul.”


“I’ll give you 50 bucks every time this succeeds.”

In other words, she was asking Gyeoul to beg with her.

But in response, Gyeoul glared at Yeorum with a displeased look on her face. Was she looking down on the pride of the blue race? There was no way that money would —

“100 dollars.”

Gyeoul dropped the golf club. She then gazed up at Bom with sparkling eyes.

Yu Jitae also added.

“It’s not that big of a deal is it. Don’t be too stressed and take it easy.”


“I can help you if there’s a problem,” he said and Bom immediately stopped having a fit as if the previous struggles had been an illusion.

Bom looked at Yu Jitae like a puppy who was made to take a loathsome prescription, but soon heaved a deep sigh before giving a nod.

“Yeorum. This will not be my fault.”

“Yes yes.”

“But, you should know this. That just then… was actually the first time I did well on a gacha in my entire life.”

“Is it that bad?”

“Have you seen me do anything similar during my Amusement? It’s because things went bad every single time I tested my luck.”

Bom murmured, ‘Ever since I was very young…’ before carrying the core in her hands. Then, she grabbed the 9th seal of the onion core with her hands.

“Don’t blame me…”


There was no reason for Yeorum to blame her because the core gleamed brightly the moment the seal was undone!

“Uaaakkk! We did it—!”

Breaking through 20% chance, it was the second success in a row.

In a fright, Yeorum grabbed Bom by her collars and shook her back and forth. Despite being shoved back and forth, Bom’s startled eyes were fixed on the core. Even Gyeoul who slowly reached forth to take the core had the same sparkling eyes as Yeorum.


This core had become four times more expensive in that one short moment.

“Thank goodness…”

“Thank you so much, unni. Thank you!”

“It’s alright. Luckily it did work out well.”

“Nn nn!”

Bom retrieved the core from Gyeoul and handed it over to Yeorum, who quietly laid her hands on top of the core before giving another sneaky grin.

“But you see…”

In that instant, Bom realised what Yeorum was trying to do. Seeing Yeorum throw constant glances at her while biting her tongue and acting cute, Bom gave a frown.

“You. You just don’t plan on listening to me at all, do you…”

“Noo. That’s not it! Unni, listen.”

Yeorum began persuading Bom like an uncle who found a great market to invest in. Explaining about the possibility and the flow and whatnot, she continued talking about how she would forever respect her as a sister if she were to do it just one more time.

Perhaps she had felt certainty seeing Bom succeed twice in a row in the midst of repetitive failures. Bom was a green dragon after all.

However, Bom remained silent and did not have a very good look on her face.

Yu Jitae had never seen such an expression on her face before. She was neither angry nor sad and instead appeared worried and agitated. Her eyes rolled around left and right and her hands were even more fidgety.

Bom looked anxious.

And it seemed that she was conscious of it herself, judging from how she soon placed both of her hands underneath her bum and lowered her head.

“You know how you were unlucky from ages ago. Maybe that luck was all for this moment for this onion core? So all the misfortunes until now should mean…”

“I get it. I get it. So stop, and please shut your mouth.”

When Bom raised her head back up, there was a very stern look on her face. If Yeorum had a tail it would probably be swaying in a servile manner.

“Yes, unni.”

“I’ll say it one last time.”

She turned all the more serious as more and more anxiety was added into her gaze.

“It won’t work.”


“There is no way it will happen three times in a row. Even if all my misfortunes from youth were combined for this gacha, it will never work. I know myself the best.”

“But there’s no guarantee that it won’t work. It’s just a gacha right? If it cracks here, it will be a little sad but it’s fine~.”

“It’s not fine…”

“Like, is there something wrong? What is it? How grandiose of a thing is it that you are being like this?”

“Yeorum. You are being really annoying, you know that.”


Silence befell the living room in an instant.

There was still a serious look on Bom’s face and Yeorum had to read her mood. Not because of the occasional confrontation of emotions they had, but because the anxiety in Bom’s eyes was now so obvious that even Yeorum could see it.

“When I was young…”

In the middle of her speech, Bom cut her words off and clenched her lower lips with her fangs protruding out. She looked angry so Yeorum gave an awkward smile and approached her with an apologetic gesture but Bom used the back of her hand to flick her arm away.

That touched Yeorum’s temper a little but she endured it and returned another servile smile, because there seemed to be something going on.

“Unni, are you angwyy…? I’m sorry…”

“Anyway, so you still want me to do it, yes?”

“No no no. I was going too far.”

“If this works again, then there’s a high chance that this is in fact an unlucky core. Something bad might happen to you but you still want me to continue, yes?”

“Wait, no. I told you it’s fine to stop…”

Her breathing noise turned coarse.

“I’ve warned you already, and now I’m going to break this.”

“No, unni. I’m sorry, okay? Let’s calm down and pretend this never happened. Nn…?”

But before Yeorum could even stop her, Bom began ripping the seals around the onion core. At the same time, miraculous things began to happen.

“Wait! Wait…!”


“Uhh…? Wait a minute. I, I think it’s a succes…”


“Ahhhk! We did it! Unni unni unni! Please stop! You can stop!”


“Gyaaakk! It’s another success! This is more than enough! Absolutely enough! Unni, this is insane. You got 5 successes in a row! But apparently from the 6th seal, the chance drops by a half…! 10% is too low right? Haha!”

The core was still in Bom’s hands, and she looked more irritated than ever.

Yeorum on the other hand was tremendously excited. 5 successes in a row meant the onion core’s output was now 2.5 times greater than the original. 250% increase in output was truly a shocking number.

At the same time, Gyeoul also froze in shock. Because the money earned in this short moment was thousands of times larger than all the fortune she had accumulated in her life.

Maybe life really was all about one big success!

In the middle of all their attention however, Bom did not release the core and her hand was on the next layer.

“U, unni…?”

Yeorum doubted her eyes. Was she really going to go even further?

Immediately, she felt as if someone had poured a bucket of icy cold water above her head in the middle of winter.

The chance to get 5 successes in a row was 0.032%. Although it wasn’t an impossible feat to pull off, it was still a tremendously low chance.

And yet the probability of success starting from the 6th layer was 10%. There would now be a 90% chance of the core crumbling into nothing.


It was way too high.

All the fortune coming this far would vanish with one mistake and Yeorum had to stop this.

“U, unni? Bom-unni…?”

Bom remained silent facing the ground. With an awkward smile, Yeorum lowered her body to look into her eyes but felt fear for the first time in her life.

Her eyes weren’t the eyes of a sane person.

“Unni… unni! L, let’s put that thing down first…”


“Nn…? Please let’s just put it down. Huh? We were very lucky till now so it would be a waste to break it now. R, right?”


“Please… I’m insanely excited right now to be using a super strong weapon. If that breaks, I’m gonna kill myself. For real.”

Gyeoul also nodded from the side with a worried look on her face.

In that living room filled with tension, Yu Jitae was the only one who could control the situation. He was actually going to leave them be, seeing how the kids were enjoying themselves and playing with each other, but it now seemed that Bom was clearly not in a good state.

She was glaring at the core as if she wanted to crush it into pieces.

Therefore, he walked up, lowered his body and looked into her eyes.

“What’s wrong.”

Slowly her eyes moved away from the core and shifted towards him, and at last, her eyes regained their focus.

“Bom. Are you alright.”


The convulsing and trembling around her eyes also finally came to a stop.

“Calm down. So you don’t make a mistake.”


Bom looked into his face with a slightly blank look on her face. Her fingers stopped shaking and the pace of her breath returned to normal. The tension that had been surrounding the living room vanished in an instant.

Relaxing her anxious heart, Yeorum gave him a double-thumbs-up, and Gyeoul added another thumbs-up from the side.

“Why do you think this is not breaking,” Bom asked.

“Maybe it’s a lucky day like Yeorum said. It’s fine now so just put that down. You’ve done more than enough already.”

“But that’s strange. The odds are so low…”

Bom continued murmuring, ‘Why isn’t it breaking’, ‘Why does it keep succeeding,’ as Yeorum carefully tried to retrieve the core from her hands.

“It needs to break though…” That was when Bom suddenly added more power into her fingers to pull out another layer!



Even Gyeoul was surprised and let out an audible gasp.

It was unstoppable – the layer slowly separated itself from the core. Every second felt like 10 minutes. Yeorum pushed Bom away and snatched the core from her hands, and Bom fell back onto the sofa as Yu Jitae made sure she didn’t get hurt.

“Noooo–!” Yeorum shouted as the seal was lifted. Her heart dropped seeing the core gradually lose light.

However, the weakened light intertwined with each other near the core, and after breaking through the odds of 10%, they gathered at one place to revolve in a stable manner.


It then gave off a bright radiance.

A success!

Bom had succeeded in opening the sixth seal!



Yeorum was astonished to the point that ‘dragon fear’ accidentally came out with her shout as Gyeoul also grabbed her by her pants in shock. Soon, the two of them hugged each other and jumped up and down.

Even Yu Jitae felt slightly surprised by it.

Soon, he gazed down at Bom who was half lying down in his arms. She was covering her eyes with her fingers; her lips were smiling but that smile didn’t really appear like a genuine smile.

“This is driving me crazy…”

She whispered with a sorrowful voice.

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